Geology Tour Road
10/12/2018: Per the National Park Service: An 18-mile motor tour leads through one of Joshua Tree National Park's most fascinating landscapes. Driving the full length of the road takes approximately two hours to make the round trip. The road provides access to scenic pullouts, a few hiking trails, and some climbing access routes.
The drive was very interesting, but we were not able to get brochures at the road head to tell us what was at each marker. That was a little bit of a screw up on the Park’s side, IMHO. We took pictures but didn’t really walk anywhere.
Rod’s Ramblings from the Trail: We are now sitting in our campsite and sucking beers. Our neighbors have not shown up yet but there are several people in the camp that have not yet shown up so not quite sure what’s going on there. I suspect we’ll get our neighbors at 10 or 11 tonight haha. But as I said earlier, if car camping you just have to expect people. Between our two major adventures today we took a walk in the campground for a mile or so and discovered several campsites that if we come back, we will try to get those. But it might be a long time before we come back because we have seen most of the rock formations and you see one Joshua Tree you sort of seen them all. It would be really awesome to load up all the grandchildren someday and bring them down here. They would love running around on the rocks and stuff. I can see kids just going nuts here. Charlie can be the boss of them. Marguerite suggests, and I agree, that we will pack up all the grandkids and visit Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Grand Canyon, maybe Arches, Yellowstone and some other parks and attractions along the way.